Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sanako weirdness leads to Ghost problems

It took a week of looking at network traffic, digging through the registry, and trying to sort out the mess that is the relationship between Sanako clients, the teacher console, and the audio file server.  Sanako is language learning software, where students can listen to audio files of people speaking phrases with the ability to slow down the play back and record themselves speaking for practice or testing purposes.  Pretty cool.  They even send a technician out to install the upgrade when you purchase the latest version.  That’s pretty cool, too.  However, the problem arises when you are left to work out what needs to be set where so that proper two-way communication occurs between the teacher station and the student stations.

I managed to finish up the hunt for the magic registry keys and Ghost the lab five minutes before heading home and off for a week’s vacation.  A write up, complete with diagrams, will be posted on the 13th.  I can’t imagine anyone needing the info before I get back, but here’s a hint:  you need to set three registry keys in HKLM\Software\Sanako–one ClientID and two ToLabNumber entries.

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