Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gearing up for some programming

The time has come to start seriously thinking about a final project for this Master’s program and I keep coming back to a web-app-in-a-box with an installer that lets the, um, installer, pick things like color scheme, field names, text, etc. for the site.  From here, it looks like a wxPython-based installer and a cherrypy-based web application.  Using mako as the templating engine will make it relatively easy to allow customizations, especially by coupling it with CSS.  I have a little experience in making live cds, so another possibility is packaging all of this on to a cd–no dependencies to worry about hunting down.  Anyway, I started doing the Python Challenge to brush up on some stuff that I haven’t done in a while, like regular expressions.  I hate how quickly the rust forms.

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