Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's this all about?

This is a collection of notes relating to system administration, programming, and other technically related stuff. Whenever I work out a fix to something that was frustrating, painful, poorly documented, etc., I write it down so I don't ever have to go through it again. Well, as long as I've remembered that I wrote it down once before. I already have a collection of these posted elsewhere that will be migrating here soon.

And the name? I heard this story on NPR this morning about tools never dying, which was interesting and pretty entertaining.  At the close of the story, the host of the show mentioned that the story could be read at the author's blog on the NPR website, where he 'even has his own slash!'  I thought it was funny and with the subject this blog will be devoted to, the reference to slashdot was relevant.

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